
持続可能な開発目標(SDGs:Sustainable Development Goals)とは、2015年9月国連サミットにて採択され、地球規模で「誰一人取り残さない」持続可能で多様性と包摂性のある社会の実現のために2030年を年限とする17の国際目標です。


Thomas Technical Institute, which contributes to society with technology Registered as “Okinawa SDGs Partner" ❗️
February issue of the national economic magazine “Columbus"
Thomas Technical Institute Co., Ltd. (Uruma City, Okinawa Prefecture / President Takehito Fukutomi) is working on the promotion and enlightenment of SDGs by Okinawa Prefecture.
“Okinawa SDGs Partner"
In addition, he applied for registration in December last year and received a notification of registration confirmation on January 26.
Speaking of the efforts of the SDGs of the Thomas Technical Institute, the “Chirimeser", an ultra-compact incinerator that has won the Minister of the Environment Award and has zero dioxins and CO2, and its waste heat supply, hot air, steam, and power generation equipment. Development (thermal recycling), and product development for solving new microplastic problems.
In addition, cooperation in beach cleanup activities using “Chirimeser" and efforts in environmental education were also evaluated as SDGs activities.
In the application, there is also an item “Relationship with the future image of Okinawa 21st Century Vision", and at Thomas Gijutsu Research Institute, JICA-related projects, overseas projects to the Maldives, etc., as well as “learning and working" for elementary school students to university students. Seminar activities on “importance" and human resource development projects were also described, and they were evaluated.
By the way, this “Okinawa SDGs Partner" has been openly recruiting companies and organizations that promote SDGs as “Okinawa SDGs Partners" based on the “Okinawa Prefecture SDGs Promotion Policy" formulated by the prefecture in November 2019. It seems that 312 groups have registered in 3 years.
Regarding this registration, President Fukutomi of Thomas Technical Research Institute
“I think it was recognized that the efforts of" environmental improvement through technology “that have been unchanged for 20 years since the company was founded have spread from Okinawa Prefecture to the whole country and to the maritime countries of Southeast Asia such as Indonesia. I am very happy and proud, so I would like to do my best as an engineer and contribute to society that only an engineer can do. “
I’m talking.
Thomas Gijutsu Research Institute, which developed “Chirimeser" and has been active as a leading manufacturing company in Okinawa Prefecture.
It can be said that the achievements so far and this registration are the result of President Fukutomi’s “idea and wisdom" and the efforts of employees.
I would like you to take this opportunity to further demonstrate your abilities as a driving force for the SDGs in Okinawa Prefecture.
特集: 継続可能な開発目標(SDGs)とボランティア
沖縄発SDGs 小型焼却炉チリメーサーによる地球環境改善への取組
福富 健仁 ((株)トマス技術研究所代表取締役)
トマス技術研究所の使命は「技術を通した環境改善による社会貢献」である。使命感を持って仕事にあたること(=Beruf (ベルーフ)を持つこと:以下ベルーフ)が大切であると教える。これが結果として、沖縄発国際協力、SDGsに繋がると考える。
詳しくはこちらをご覧ください💁♂️ https://thomasgk.com/overseas/
Extension of Okinawan SDGs to the world
-Small incinerator “Chirimeser"leads healthier environment-
Kenji Fukutomi (Representative Director Thomas Technical Institute Co. Ltd)
In addition to the marine plastic waste problem, there are many garbage problems such as secondary infections caused by infectious medical waste such as COVID-19 and waste problems caused by China’s waste import regulations.
Thomas Technical Research Institute aims to solve the modern garbage problem by the small incinerator Chirimeser, and to solve the garbage problem that will become more serious in the future.
The mission of Thomas Institute of Technology is “to contribute to society by improving the environment through technology."
Working with a sense of mission = having a Beruf is important. As a result, I think that this will lead to international cooperation from Okinawa and the SDGs.
Thomas Technical Research Institute is a company that corresponds to 4 items of 8, 9, 11, and 13 out of 17 items of SDGs.
In addition, at the G20 Osaka Summit, it was introduced in the government publicity exhibition space that it was installed in a hospital in Indonesia as a best practice among companies adopted by JICA.
Chirimeser have been introduced into the remote island municipalities of Okinawa, and most of them are used to incinerate drifting trash.
Since it can be incinerated by the Chirimeser owned by the municipalities, it will lead to the promotion of beach cleanup activities.
Overseas, Chilean masers are recognized as solving the garbage problem in remote islands and developing countries, and we believe that it is possible to change the consciousness of the people and the nation to try to solve the garbage problems by using Chirimaser.
In the future, Chirimeser will help solve environmental problems and garbage problems, develop further products so as to lead to the promotion of volunteer activities for solving envirornnental problems, and have a Beruf and work hard on daily work.
Please see here for details 💁♂️ https://en.thomasgk.com/
私たちの役割は、移動式の小型焼却炉「モバイル チリメーサー」で、海洋漂着ゴミを焼却処理をすること。小型焼却炉メーカーの技術を通して環境改善のお手伝いを積極的に行って参ります。
沖縄海岸保全団体 chura-mura様から、ビーチクリーニング活動で使用している移動式の小型焼却炉「モバイル チリメーサー」が紹介されました。